Physics Test
Oh man oh man. I am seriously scared for my physics. AHHHHH... Confirmed gonna flunk it le. Dead. x( Please let me pass pls pls pls.
There's co today. And I din play good. Hand no strength. Haha. Wad to expect. Carry yq to classroom, then all the way to J Blk. Gahhh. Aiya this day basically in bad mood la. (As hwee says the "PMS" look -__-) Qianwen played shi mian mai fu after that. XD Hahah.
Ohh and I was telling hwee how I was said to look pipa-ish. *grin grin* Then she said, "Yeah, you look like jingxuan... sort of" OOOOO! I nv knew! HAHA. I bet ys will be making weird assumptions after reading that. x__x haha jk.
Gym concert. Haha was quite cool la. And I think there are quite a number of pro ppl inside. *_* Haha. Cherie looks damn cool! And in the dance where she looks like geisha with the fan. Haha. The encore's song the same again. Absolutely everybody. Heh.
Tomorrow's April Fools Day. HEE.
i ... was coloring at 11:40 PM
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Learning Journey (cont')
Learning Journey (cont')
Thurs National Archives Ummm I dunno wad to say about this. Not as exciting as the rest of the fieldtrips. I wouldnt say it was boring either. Some stuff were pretty cool. Like the machines they used, which looked quite scary. I can imagine them being one of the machines where u can gas ppl to death or smth. =X
Ohhh then in one of the rooms got lotsa posters. Got XMEN! hahaha. And the little flim tapes and casettes were v cute oso.
After that, we were released. Then ys wanted to walk to bugis for dinner. Haha I din mind seriously. Budden yile and yiyin butt in and persuaded us to eat at raffles place tho ys keep insisting that CBD damn ex. Haha. Ahh well, so we got dragged into raffles place. And true enought the stuff there damn ex. We settled for subway in the end. Ate and chatted. And she keep fantasizing that Junki will appear from the door to the esclator. HAHA. -__- And mich cheat us! About the giving away of free food. Haha, k la nt cheat. Jus that we were unlucky. o.0
Then we had this convo/arguement about uknow. HAHA. Anyway, I haf a new house (hospital) at: uknoWEN hospital, street xiah, #micky-max, singapore hero. Ok it looks and sounds weird. Nvm. XD
Friday Chem fieldtrip + EL Movie Viewing Went with hwee to the "making money" fieldtrip at pasir panjang. Man it was damn cool lor. As in the building. The walls open. We entered through a door. Haha. The security v tight. They checked our bags and stuff. And there were police with huge guns. Scary sia.
Uhh it's kinda boring too. Cuz we sat throught more than an hr of PPT slide. Blehh. I thought we would take a tour to the machines that printed notes or made coins or smth, but NOO. Haha, nvm learnt qutie alota interesting things heh.
Highlight of the trip: RECEPTION. (note to hwee: i am not a glutton ok! i was jus extra hungry =X) Omg the food damn nice. It was a whole range of pastries from tarts to cakes to cookies. Ahh I took at least one of each kind. Super nice man!! Haha, was v excited when i saw the wide range. Hwee kept complaining I look like a glutton who hasnt eaten for days. Can't help it. The pastries seriously made my mouth water. HAHA. Yay had hot choc too. There was this machine that served a whole range of drinks- hot choc, espresso, caupuccino etc. I wanted caupuccino, but like no one take leh. So din take. Ah well. Ate till I was quite satiated. Hee.
Leeqi kept making fun of my name on the way back. Haha. And I think hwee's phone is v fun to play with. Pardon my dealing with hps, but I like to play with it! Haha.
Met crys later at lido. Yeah we were late. Oops sry. The trip ended late mah. :X
After that went for movie. Had nachos. Haha and ys spilled some of the cheese on me in the cinema. Grahh! HAHA. no la I v nice de. Hee. And we finished all the food before the movie started. So pro right? haha.
MAD HOT BALLROOM! Ahh I crazed over dancing now. Esp swing. I still like salsa best. Haha. Oh man the kids can really dance. And the outfit is amazingly nice too. The music oso. Ahh i wanna learn ballroom dancing oso! SWING SWING SWING! Tango not bad oso la! I like the hair thinggy that the girl did. AHHH! I wanna learn!!! HAHA. =X
ys was saying we should wear that kinda outfit for rjco concert. HAHA. Then we canall wear different coloured skirts. I wan the green one. :X
Dinner with crys at swens. Uhh before that we nicely accompanied hwee to look around. Haha. Anyway, I think I spent alot on that. Ahh, but nvm got $10 off the bill quite a gd deal le. Heh. And we kept releashing the memories of drama night. Cuz every drama night we would go swens for dinner then proceed to sch. Haha, we had to rush alot. Ahhh so sad no drama night this yr. Uhh maybe nt sad la. Haha.
Went home with a bloated stomach.
Today Nth much. Lesson. There was a mini concert at yamaha too. There was this cute little boy caled justin teo who performed quite alot of songs. On organ and piano. He's v cute!! haha. There was a cello and piano duet too and a piano duet. Plus a this thing where the JMC kids all performed stuff like singing and playing diff instus (tamborine, xylophone, castenets). SUPER CUTE! (super junior hahaha) It took up half an hr of the lesson tho. x_x
i ... was coloring at 1:59 AM
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Learning Jouney
Hmm, survived through 3 days of learning jouney so far. Whee. Quite tiring tho. Since mon, I've been taking naps in the afternoon for more than 3 hrs le. x(
Mon URA Not bad quite interesting. At least it was air-conned most of the time. Haha. And I love the goreng pisang there! Still rmb 601 used to go to tt same coffee shop to eat too. The char kuay teow rocks too. Ahh cheap and nice food. *_* And we visited URA more than twice le and watched the same video oso. Haha. I rmbed that rosyh is so SS-ish.
I like the game show. So FUNNY. Heh.
The facilitator has a SUPER high and squeeky voice.
Tues Kampong Glam Not as bad as I make it out to be. The facilitator is nice. She seems to be able to capture our attention such that we won't doze off easily. But cuz of the weather and all we still felt rather sleepy. Haha.
I think this one's the most interesting trip so far. Learnt the most here. The daggers damn cool! I want one!!! Not to mention there's this shop that sells a kind of whistle is freakingly sounds like a real bird. Oh and got mini angklungs oso. A wide range of textiles oso. Ahh got so much stuff to see.
The food there quite ex. Chendol nt bad but ys found it too sweet. Haha.
Cultural show. Very interesting. And amusing. Haha. Yile and yiyin were like trying to imitate the dance steps of the dances. So funny. Haha. Ohhh and the uhh "bless the married couple with xxx no. of babies" was funny. Mrs. Newby went up. Heh.
Yay the drums part! YS was damn eager to get to touch it and play with it. HAHA. We got our chance in the end. And we hogged onto it for like 2 times. And I nv got to hit the LAST NOTE! GAHHH. haha. Too dumb le.
Dance. Uhh it was like a mad frenzy of people. No one could really figure out how the dance was supposed to be like. But nvm we jus turned and turned and followed. Hah.
Museum was rather okay. At least there's aircon. =X
Cemetery. I got bitten by some bug and it stings. So din really hear what the facilitator said. Ahhhs.
Today Bio Field Trip Reminded me abit of OBS. And maybe LYFE. Tho lyfe fieldtrips are much more enjoyable. Don't have to constantly take notes so not as tiring.
It started out okay lah since the weather was cool. The guide was quite nice and can tell she's quite knowledgeable.
But as we walk and walk I got tired and itchy everywhere. Then my note taking become lesser and lesser. Haha. YS's drawings super funny. Basically we jus walked this "never-ending" path and looked at stuff along the way. Got big spider, weird white little "ball" insects, some hen thinggy etc. And we listened to the sounds too. Only remeber the koel is the oooh woooh one. HAHA.
There was this super long bridge that we had to cross at some point of the trip. The bridge is like this super long wooden plank that looked like it's gonna collapse any moment. Damn freaky. And only four people allowed on it at any one time. Ahhh I was practically shaking when walking. So scared I would huang4 and fall off. Heh. I nv wanna cross it again.
Learnt quite a lot la but cannot rmb all the specific details. Haha.
Ahh well. Tmr national archive and EL movie viewing plus chem "make money" trip on fri. XD
i ... was coloring at 11:44 PM
Sunday, March 19, 2006
CO orientation
yess i'm back! can see all the happy faces! HAHA. tt includes U! xpp jk.
friday has CO ORIENTATION. Uhh, more like sec 1 orientation. haha. Played some games like H2O uh and some other games that I can't remember the name le. And I had to forfeit! Had to stick my mouth into this whole big bowl of coffee powder to grab one teeeeny tinnnny MnM. Dorcas said I took extra loong. Oops. Ah why they call me first! Hahaha.
Amazing race. Our grp was quite enthu about it. Esp lingg. And I realised she's v bimb! HAHAHA. In the end our group din win la. Aww. Haha nvm, we had quite alot of uhh fun. yeahhh...
Oh and yiyin was like hyperventilating the whole time. HAHA. -__- tsk. no wonder ys was exhasperated with her. haha. :X
Sec 1 orientation ceremony. It's to uh welcome the sec 1s officially into RGCO. yayy! *clap clap* They got the co badge free. Lucky poks.
LUNCH! I din noe they allocated like around 2 hrs for lunch. And to think we (nina, dorcas, yiusum, gera, kelly, me) rushed to Far East to have chicken rice. Then ended up with more than an hour to spare. So we walked around. Went comics connection. Then sat in a circle in an empty space under an escalator and TALKED. Nina was v self-conscious about sitting there. Yup so we talked and talked. There was this security guard who happened to stand nearby, then she was quite paranoid. But THEN, another security guard suddenly appear, so we were all paranoid. HAHA. -.- They said I look like I'm frowning when I don't smile! AHHH. I do not have a bittergourd face. *reassures self*
Dorcas and nina were oso counting down to going back to sch. So we made our way back at approx 3:15pm. Heh.
zm and jx went back! Haha. Yeah then we had xiaozu. Which doesn't really actually feel like xiaozu. People's moods were quite high and all. And zm keep asking us to play again -__- Haha. Oh and I crush jx's shoes!! ahhh so chio! XD
Then zm and jx performed for us! yayy. Almost forgot how wonderfully pro they are le. =X Can't wait for rjco concert. Heh.
jx said I LOOK VERY PIPA(ish)!! omgg!! i'm so honoured!! AHAHAHA. I SHOULD GO AND LEARN PIPA!!! XD ahh too bad no talent..
Oh and lanya was exploring jx's bag then she happened to chance upon the "wrong thing". Ahem then sick stuff started pouring out then we were all laughing non stop. hahaha.
After that fake 5cz went out for dinner together. So sad lanya din eat, but we let her kope food. So nice right! Haha. And qianwen "stole" xiaoxi's pringles!! Hor hor! Then they were trying to make me laugh or smth cuz ys says I crank up easily. Hur hur. But qw decided nt to reveal her ultra sick "ant" joke. o.0
Yeah had a fun time. Haha. And yess jx looks damn cute in her rj uni. Haha duno y oso.
Oh and yiusum kept koping my food during lunch and dinner!! ahhhs!! HAHA. NVM she shuld eat more. Seeing how THIN she is. Must build on more assets. hahah jk. =X
Hmm ytd went to glory with crys and hwee to do some cip stuff. We din even get hrs for it. Aww arent we nice ppl man.
I shant elaborate about the "being late" part. heh.
Yup we stuck sticker, stapled, organized blahblah. Oh and chopped stuff too. Ms Teo was so nice to buy us potato chips and sweets. Aww. We devoured them soon after tho. =X
Went to nat lib in search of molecular gastronomy books. Failed terribly tho. And crys's phone wasnt on silent mode, so it sort of SHOOK the whole library when it rang. See lar hwee! Why nv sms me. gahhhs.
BUGIS. Shopped around. Me and hwee got this real good deal of hp sock. She's in love with her sock. -.- Ahh I guess mine is okay. But I miss the one that crys and shihua gave me as bdae pressie. Awww man. Dunno where it is now.
The two pigs decided to have bubbletea. Haha.
Walked around more. Then decided to go home. Poor crys was rather "lost". Haha, but nvm she had bbq later on. Lucky pok.
Hmmm today. Yangqin lesson.
My lun still sucks like shit. Have to improve terribly lot man. And my control and my yin1 yue4 gan3 and all that! ahhhhs. I suck. totally.
oh and hopper scratched me and now I have a scar on my calf. Haha. Nvm he's still as CUTE. =D
i ... was coloring at 8:38 PM
| the painter
25th July