Monday, June 27, 2005
now's 12:21AM. it's the new school day! schoo officially opens today! whooots. HA. cant believe im gg to sch in a few hours. haha. and i cant sleep. o.0
lala. okie. HAPPY SCHOOL OPENING! haha. x)
Saturday, June 25, 2005
hii! today's my brother's birthday celebration at my grandma's house, not real birthday tho.. haha. he's 3! ate lots of food. mum ordered two big pans of pizza and one big box of nuggets. plus a big birthday cake. and grandma made jelly too. haha. i ate till i was bloated. =X yup. so i got bored coz i had nth to do while the rest of my cousins (even my sis!) went to play games or smth. haha. so i came back home.
hmm, no electone today either. 2 wks break.
ytd had co. haha. so called "zou tai". but it din feel like zou tai. since we din really walk in and perform all the songs straight without any interruptions. haha. we juz wet tru all the songs. including all the xiaozu songs. gahh bian tai qu was really bian tai. haha. bar 81 was the worse i think. dunno if i played at the right speed. x_X oh well.
lunch in school. ate some wanton noodles. haha. we finished lunch real fast. so went up wanted to see the 5chongzou. but in the end din see anything. so the liuqin-ers and me praced tghr.
resumed dazu later. i dunno why but i felt really sleepy and troubled. even when wls started to play songs i was half asleep i think. so i missed quite a lot of starts. whyy? i think muz be wad she said earlier. smth not very nice.
then i started questioning myself. do i really need to go for it?? am i really not good enough? but i dun wanna juz go all the way to such a far place juz for a few hours and come back. i seriously cant afford the time. and money? ahh. i dunnooo. but even if i take it, i'd rather go back to where i was more familiar with. still, i dun want to go out and take it. if i reject, i scared i may not really be able to cope.. send me a sign!
ok that was crap. i think im making a mountain out of a molehill, but it juz keeps staying in my mind.
right, ok. aft dazu was fun. haha. i prac liuqin for 1 hr!! yay! 4 - 5. on margaret's liuqin. so nice!! hahaha. dun wry yiusum, urs also got ur gd qualities. like wad jx said. haha. and we keep playing the biantai qu together! wahaha. so fun. but have to slow down tho. coz i m so very bad at it. even at a slow speed i still cant catch up. haiiiiix. unlike some CHIOBU who is so good at it even tho she juz played it for the first time. hahaha. and claims she cannot do this and cannot do that. hahaha. (see lah jx!)
thurs went with crys and hwee to watch ice princess. haha. hwee was late. in order to wait for her, i missed 4 trains. T_T 4!! and i got qutie impatient. gahhh. haha. crys was qutie flushed up too. haha. then we walked around the big empty shopping mall. hahah. so early in the morning. yup. went for the movie aft that. haha. it was nice lahhh. but not as nice as i expected. whee, i luv to see the ppl skate!! NICE! haha.
ok i think thats all. haha.
Saturday, June 18, 2005
happy home-coming-back (however u phrase it) sam!!!
wow im blogging. sigh. feeling xianned right now. ahh. dunno y. all of a sudden. ah well... haha.. i seriously nid to go out or smth.
ok yesterday had xz. fun part was sectional lunch. haha. my chicken fiasco. =.= (sry jx) haha. and aft dazu. we prac together. so fun. hahaha. and ys being the human metronome. yar. imagine how disastrous it was. hahaha. joking. XD
anyway. today nth much. went for organ. chatted online. talked abt sick stuff online. hahaha. xp. and i want a tanbo blog!! haha. *hint* k anyway, i did a quiz. found on yihui's blog. hahaha. it's quite cute. but rather lame. ahaha.

Harry Potter Personality Quiz by Pirate Monkeys Inc.
Friday, June 10, 2005
firstly. happy b'dae wanlin! and happy b'dae lanya!! oh and happy house moving crys!
yay, today was an eventful day. yes. very eventful. haha. so, if u dun wanna get bored then i suggest u dun read my entry. haha.
hmm. ok so started the day with co. yeah. had xiaozu. I was quite surprised that hz came. haha. i was almost frozen to the spot when i saw her. haha. but decided i'll not make it too obvious. yup. usual xiao zu. haha. then came lunch!
haha. lunch was FUN! but not as fun as dinner. haha. "dinner". anyway, we were commenting about food. and chilli. we were having rice with ikan billis, egg, DEEPLY FRIED (quoted frm jingxuan) chicken and lots of chilli. oh and not to mention one teeeny thin slice of cucumber. haha. the chilli really looks like blood on yiusum's hand. haha. then when lanya went to buy drinks, jingxuan was making up a plan to celebrate lanya's bdae. haha. so a lot of times we were acting quite sneaky. oops. and lanya didnt even suspect anything. really! haha.
anyway, aft lunch, went back for dazu. haha. i think we were one of the last there. oops. and thanks zm for bringing the yq to the ks chee theatre. and sry for breaking the yq later on. +.+ sigh. anyway, at dazu when i was totally bored to death, yiusum told the tale of the taiwanese melodrama with the xianyue's qi zou playing. hahaha. it was really really funny!! about this couple who fell in love. then they went tru alot of difficulties. of coz got happiness tooo. haha. then in the end both of them got heart attack and die. hahaha. =.= lame rite??? gosh. no wonder margaret and i were laughing like manaics.
ok anyway. at dazu, wang lao shi wanted to hear all the qi zou. so we played the tanbo qi zou, the bian tai qu. hahaha. i think her speed is so darn fast!!! ahhhh. *faints* yup. and zm and me were trying to play some of the parts in alternate parts. haha. so funny. yup, then aft dazu, i clumsily broke the yangqin ma3 zi. ahhhhh. wanna kill myself on the spot!!! ARGHHHH.
sorry for breaking it. i din mean it. but serves me right anyway. i'll be using it. sighs.
ooh, then we went out to celebrate lanya's b'dae. haha. with yiusum, jingxuan, pei ru, lydia and lanya (of coz). haha. it went really really funny. haha. ok first, yiusum, jingxuan and me were scheming up a plan to surprise lanya. haha. not really surprise lah. but to get her a b'dae gift and try to celebrate her b'dae wit her. haha. so jx suggested to eat at long john silvers coz no toilet. so that we can liu1 zou3 and get her a b'dae gift, giving the excuse that we wanna go toilet. hahaha. yup, so we chunked lanya with the job of buying our food while we said we "going toilet".
so yiusum, jingxuan and me went walking around and around. looking for the right pressie. haha. in the end we went THIS FASHION and bought this PINK SKIRT. haha. oh and since we realised that we've been out for such a long time (no one goes toilet for such a long time trust me), yiusum and me decided to go back while jx paid for the skirt. haha. so we made up the excuse that jx was stuck in the toilet shitting. hahaha. and lanya really fell for it. actually she fell for everything. coz we all thought she would haf guessed that we were up to something, but she actually didnt noe. hahaha.
ok, then jx came back and presented the lovely present to lanya! and we commenced our ultra early dinner! with jingxuan being exceptionally sick and stuff. shant go into detail. haha. too bad lanya didnt wear the skirt on the spot. haha. coz toilet nid to pay to get in. oh well. but im sure it'll look great on her yea? haha. so aft consuming the yucky chicken, we went to walk around.
haha. yiusum suggested to take neoprints! haha. then jx got persuaded. but peiz didnt wanna. haha. so we didnt take neos in the end. haha. poor yiusum. filled with disappointment. hmm. we stayed at the neoprint shop for at least half an hour i think. haha to persuade peiz. and to bai3 pose. hahaha. but in the end nv take lah. and poor yiusum had to go change back her 9 one dollar coins. oops, too many poor yiusum. hahaha.
later we juz walked around. and wandered around. haha. was FUN lahhh. im sure lanya enjoyed her b'dae LOTSA. hee. yup. yiusum had to go first. then followed by lydia, peiz and me. then nice jingxuan stayed behind to help lanya with her assignment. haha. awww.
yup, so that's about it. lala. wad a fun day. haha. felt relli hyper when went home. hahah. xD
xiao zu
went for xiaozu today. haha. hz was very funny today. according to yiusum that is. haha. i still think that she's sorta in a bad mood. well maybe yiusum's greeting (ni hao) cheered her up? haha. overall went quite ok.
but she went so fast for every song. argh, can't do shuang 1 hou4 16 for jun1 ma3. dun care le lah. i shall do dan1 yin1. haha. tho zm strongly rejects. but hey, she has less shuang1 hou4 16 than me can.
haha.. and i learnt the bian tai qu (yue4 guang1) on the pipa!! haha. thanks to qw, lanya and peiru. well the zhi fa that i used is wrong anyway. hahaha. i cannt huan4 ba3 lah. oops. oh and i learnt on liu qin too! haha. and i got 2 blisters on my index finger and pinky finger! whee. i feel proud of it. hahaha. sounds stupid. but does that signify anything? hahah. but qw says it means i prac a lot. i onli touched pipa for less than 10min and liuqin for less than 5min. haha. A lot? nahh. x)
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
flag day for glory centre
yeah, today did flag day for glory centre. and im proud to say i finished my sheet of stickers the first!! whee. haha. but guess wad? my tin can ended up being the lightest. =.= oh well. haha. it was a really tiring day. very tiring. i guess it's for good deed but sometimes being the good guy is difficult. i mean, imagine you asking for donations, then people shunning u like as if u were some freak. ok i admit i do that too. and i find ppl who ask for donations quite irritating. oops. but now i could really feel the real thing, although i kept saying that i noe how they feel. oh wells. guessed i've gained new experience! *claps* haha.
ok anyway, so the day goes like this. was supposed to meet crys at dhoby ghaut at 7:15. yeah. i came about 3 min late, but she was later! haha. no lah not really later. she reached dg a little earlier than me. but due to her cleverness, she waited for me at the wrong places. first she went to the gates and happily smsed me asking if im coming out when i was at the travellator searching for her. haha. so i asked her where she was, and she kept saying got escalator. so i thought maybe she went down to the platform already. yeah, so i went down but still didnt see her. so i smsed her and she ran frm the mrt gates to the travellator and down to the platform. hahaha. it was so funny. oh and we reached raffles place at exactly 7:30am! (as pointed out by hwee)
yup, so that started the of flag day. We were briefed by our supervisor called crystella. (crystal's "sister" according to wanlin) she's nice lah. xD
yeah then we had our tin cans ready to go, but down the escalator someone said something about us not taking the stickers yet. so wad did we do? haha. crystal being at the top of the escalator could go up. then hwee aft much running, also got up. right. so me and wanlin were left in the middle of the escalator doing some hamster dance. i mean seriously, we were running up a down-going escalator with no progress of reaching the top. i think we did that for about 5 seconds b4 realising that we would nv get to the top. hahah. so we gave up. then realised how malu it was. haha. juz compare this scene with a hamster running on a wheel. see any similrities? haha. o well. xp
hmm, then we went to raffles city, starbucks there. and then started our asking of donations. i started off the worst. haha. had onli one coin in my tin can. hehe. oops.
in between asking for donations, we hiked all the way to suntec city, expertly led by wanlin, and took little breaks there. ok, very long breaks actually. haha. first to get some drinks. and second to eat roti prata!!! haha. (which applies to crys and me onli)
so aft the long ordeal of collecting coins and facing ppl rejecting u, we were finally free at 2pm!! yay!! haha. but we still went all the way back to hougang tho. to give the tin cans. yup. i wanted to go home. coz very tired liao. and i was all sweaty. i bet i stank. haha. bt in the end i got persuaded to go watch movie with crys, hwee and wanlin.
so ate dinner at kfc. went to times to kill time. haha. then wanlin took up this book (which kids like us are not supposed to even look at) and showed us. haha. then when saw there are ppl approaching out way, she quickly put the book back. but too late!! the lady saw wad book she was holding. and i bet she was flabbergasted at the kind of books rgs girls read. hahahah. so fuuny. and we were saying that she may write a personal exposition on it. LOL.
at around 5:10, watched monster-in-law. haha. it was funny yes. i like the plot! and the hilarious-ness is relli relli good.
yep. so aft that went back home.
end of the day. x)
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Math PT
hmm. today did math PT with qiuping and wanlin. haha. we managed to finish most of the group component. yayies! but the individual not yet. haha.
k anyway, i met qiuping at the mrt station. actually i spotted her from my seat long ago, but i didnt call her. coz she was with a friend. haha. so didnt wanna make things awkward. yup, so i waited till out side the mrt gates (yes i noe this word hwee, haha), then i poked her.
haha. soo, we're supposed to meet wanlin at the marine parade library. but apparently qiuping and me got no idea how to get there. haha. so we asked the person at the service counter and she told us to take bus 15 or 966 (cun relli rmb whether it's 946 or 966). yeah, and she pointed in the direction for us to take the bus. so we walked down the direction but spotted no bus stop. haha. so we walked back lor. actually there was a bus stop there. we realised at the end of the day. hahah. then go to the interchange to find out the that interchange onli got 5 buses. =.= haha. oh well. so in the end took a taxi there. yup.
then we went to star bucks. haha. ordered some drinks then got to work. ooh i like wanlin's laptop. so cute and small! haha. but too bad she always kop it one, dun let me type. evil. bleh. k anyway, doing halfway we got stuck coz we dun relli understand. so wanlin suggested to go to her dad's office so her dad can help along. yup, so we walked to parkway parade.
took the lift up to the 18th story. it was sooo high!!! haha. so cool man. i felt like a high class business woman. haha. ok, i sound childish. but really u could glance down from the biiig office window to see the breath-taking view of the sea (which qiuping calls an ocean) with the ships, sky scrapers and all the greenery and buildings. so nice the view! haha. and wanlin got to be the big boss coz she got the big chair while me and qiuping got the big-but-not-as-big-as-wanlin's-chair.
yup, so we got to work. oh and halfway, we spotted 2 flying saucers!! haha. then wanlin and qiuping say there are ailiens invading!! oh noo. haha. but till now i still dunno wad they're for. 0.o ok, so we got back to work. i was so amazed at the speed we worked in the office. haha. even before we went for lunch, which is around 3pm, we managed to do alot of stuff. whoots. yeah, then we went for lunch at BK. sat there till 4 plus coz we gossipped as we ate. hahaha. xD
yeah, then we went back to the office to get back to our work. so that's about it. haha. then we went home. wad a fruitful day! more fruitful than those slacky days of my hols. hehe.
tmr's flag day for glory centre. muz wake up so so so so early!! arhhhh. but oh well. hope it'll be fun. it's at sun tec! i wanna shop! haha.
Monday, June 06, 2005
changed template
i decided i got sick of my previous blog template. so i decided to change!! haha.. it's still blue though.. and i think im getting sick of blue. ahh. but nvm. i shall not grow bored of things easily.
haha. yeah, so now gonna discuss RS with crys and hwee online. +.+ destroyed my holiday mood. sobs. haix. k then. bye.
oh yeah. pls comment. xD
Sunday, June 05, 2005
SYCO concert
haha. i guess many ppl blogged about SYCO CONCERT already. so, if u wan a full and updated version, go to yiusum or jingxuan's blog. i shall not waste anyone's time by telling a full grandmother story. haha joking lah. heee. haha. anyway, it ROCKED!! qianwen, yiusum and me had a direct view of jingxuan. btw, yiusum pointed that out. xD hahah.
hmmm, got onli 4 songs, but they all sooooo nice man. haha. TIANWANG is nice, but super chao long. haha. didnt relli haf much patience follow every word of the poem. right. and i like YUN NAN HUI YI. omigosh. the zhongruan soloist (pei qian rite?) was so ultraly zai can. the very first second she played, i think she made herself ys's idol already. haha. but really, the way she tan her zhongruan totally rawks!!
plus yiusum was hyperventilating all the time. haha, coz of yujia. but she is stylo and chiooooo. ((: ys is crazy over her.
had a super fun time man. esp before the concert and after the concert. hahaha. -refers to autograph session- oh and yiusum took home my concert booklet! -.-" grrrr. hahaha. made me worry for about 5 seconds, b4 i smsed her. yeah.
and i am TALLER than yiusum ok!!! even qianwen has proven this. hahaha. yesh.
fact: yiusum crushes idolizes lots of ppl. *hint*
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
juz reached home. haha. watched MADAGASCA with crys and hwee. the movie was nice. quite okay lah.. yeah. the penguins so cuteeeeee.
we juz had to start our day wet on the way to glory centre. -.-" haha. still rmb us running about splashing puddles of rainwater everywhere. haha. oops. anyway, we didnt do much there. juz helped to sort out some tin cans for flag day onli. plus we ate lunch there too. x) haha. and we got excellent remarks frm ms teo. riiiiight.
ok, so later went to plaza sing to watch madagascar. we looked around a while first tho. since we had plenty of time to spare. haha. bought presents for more people. yeah. then we bought this ben n jerry's combo. which was... haha. coz ice cream on the pic looked so biiiiiig. haha. and hwee and me sacrificed ourselves by sharing food with crys who was sick. hahah. *gives a pat on the back* ok, shall not be lame.
aft movie, went shopping again. wanted to give hwee a make-over. but apparently she wasnt too interested. hahah. aw. we ate lots of things. not relli alot. eclair, octopus (prawn too) balls and large onion rings. yup. so we ended our day chatting about stuffies at BK. haha. and i think our RS is gonna be a goner. haha. oops.