Saturday, January 13, 2007
Top 10 reasons why I am cursed:
1) I grew fatter by ALOT (even though I am already fat enough *__*)
2) I am broke = $0 in my wallet, unless you count a few cents here and there.
3) I do not understand math and haven't touched it in days, thus I am gonna fail.
4) I CANNOT PLAY my pieces AT ALL. I SUCK AT THEM seriously. sheesh.
5) My left hand is hopeless. (did i say hopeless? nah. more like dead.)
6) I have a BAD case of muscle ache (omg how loser am I, only did a few crunches and warm up)
7) I so do not understand theory.
8) My schedule is super screwed.
9) My throat hurts, which means I am gonna get sick (again) soon.
10) My juniors like to hit my butt. -___- (kidding)
Monday, October 02, 2006
hello i am back from a really long break i realised XD
ok firstly i would like to declare myself inflicted with the O DIESEASE. I THINK I AM LIKE AT THE FATAL STAGE ALREADY. 'O'-正.反.合 ROCKS! MY uknow is so cool and shuai and swoonable i can't stand it! xiah rocks tooo! hero is damn cool now too!! AH! I AM LIKE RESISTING THE URGE TO SCREAM AND TEAR MY HEAD HAIR OUT AND NOSEBLEED AHHH.! i am going crazy seeing the mv and the perf over and over again. goshhh, i miss uknow's dancing! i love the part where he threw the white glittery thingos! THEY ARE SO DANG HOT! RAWRRRR!! *faints*
haha ok. hmm havent been updating. GETWILD was 2 days ago! I looked quite out when I arrived, cuz I was in shorts, which basically made everyone think, "why on earth would you wanna wear shorts and get eaten by mosquitoes alive?" Haha, thanks to ame's sexy trackpants, which dun look sexy on me. =X HAHA.
Everything was running quite smoothly i suppose, if not for the weather!! and me and ame are proud to say we have RYAN (the gentleman) in our guiding group! He has a twin sis called RACHEL! SO COOL! And he is really really a very sweet brother. ahhs.I never knew peiru could be so evil and mean! It was the first time i saw her shout at the kids and giving them the evil stare. Jokingly of course. Really really funny. Heh.
Overall it was FUN! But the afternoon it was pouring quite heavily, so we had to cancel the nx half of the camp. So sad... Poor ys, ame, zhiying and nicole were drenched while pasting clues. haha smart me realised they were still at the boardwalk ok! Then I told ppl, who took furthur action, then sent kuoying and sipei to their rescue! Haha!
VAL IS GOOD WITH KIDS! I could tell they liked her alot. Haha.ROTIPRATA SESSION! It was really really really funny! Haha. We talked abt ame's werid convo with ms tan, ys's dreams, co (ms tan joined in! seems like she knows alot of stuff!). The curry is good as usual XD
After that I went to get my results for electon exam. OH GOSH SUPER BAD. I AM DEAD DISAPPOINTED IN MYSELF.. If it were last yr, i would probably be quite contented. But last yr my results shocked me, cuz it was rather high, so this year I had REALLY REALLY HIGH EXPECTATIONS of myself. Then now it turned out to be a real disppointment, right smack into my face like a tight slap. I didn't know what to do. Cry? Nahh, I sort of expected that I wouldn't do as well. Jump for joy cuz I passed?? No, I wasn't looking for a pass only.. Sighh. But I got over it soon enough I guess. Congrats to everyone! Esp IVY U IMPROVED SO MUCH!!! And my sis oso! Nvm, it isn't the end of the world.. yet...I should learn not to expect too much.
Lesson.. AHH lesson hasn't been going on well sigh. At one point I wanted to cry out really, but resisted the urge.. Cuz I figured it wouldn't do any good. Is it cuz qls expected more of me that I couldn't do? Or isit my limit has been reached and my improvement cannot really accelerate anymore? Sighh, very disppointed in myself. I'm not doing well in anything. My techniques are so gross I dunno what to say about it..
But anyway, to look on the bright side of things, HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY! We have one day off! HOHO.I've been spending the day watching alot of videos. Ahhh. I am so dead. EOYS are around the corner and I am so proud to say I havent started mugging. How dead can I get?
Monday, September 11, 2006
sept hols over
I still haven't decided if I should move to lj. But I got an lj! Here.
It's a few minutes till sch reopen. ok not exactly.
Tues and weds were slack days. Not really, went for electone on both nights. To prep for..
THURS! Electone (organ) exam! Went quite early to warm up. Ahh I was getting the jitters. It's like the atmosphere just reads "Today is the day!!" Then the 5 of us were silently praccing. Whoa I never knew 3 hours could pass so quickly. One moment we were concentrating so hard, next moment one hr gone. To make things worse, there was this examiner who kept visiting our studio. She was quite freaky.
This batch of examiners were super fast. It's like they were early by 1 hr or so!! Such that there were no candidates at that time since their reporting time is like 1 hr later. LIKE WOW! They rush through so fast?!! Freaky...
The same examiner came into our studio and asked if we wanna go. So the 5 of us went since we were there already. I was third, smack in the middle. Heh.
The exam. Not as well as last year's. There were 2 examiners. They seem quite nice. Tho they kept giggling. o.0
x( Feel free to skip, these are just rants. My impro sucked last year cuz I set the sounds wrongly, didn't notice I was adjusting the brilliance, instead of volume. At least the examiners last year were rather kind, to have not to failed my impro. Hmm this year impro was not bad I guess? I got the harder piece. In fact I cant really remember wad I improvised on, but it was definitely better than last year.
Pieces. They chose the Chinese song for my arrangment. Could guess already, since before that If we hold on together was played. Eeeks, I think If we hold on together can score more marks. But anyway, Chinese song was fine I guess. Not bad lahs.
Up where we belong. Ohhh yes my fourth worst song. At least they din choose Hero, else I would have died. Umm by this time I was rather nervous. My legs actually shook on the expression pedal. Abit. I had to regain lots of self control to stop it from shaking. Haha. Fumbled one note. But overall fine. I THINK.
HEARING WAS TOTALLY SCREWED PLS. GIVEN THAT IT WAS AN EASY KEY!!! LIKE OMGG WHO WOULDN'T BE HAPPY WITH SUCH AN EASY KEY. But wadever, I think they speed that she (yes the same freaky examiner) played, I sort of panicked a little, cuz I wasnt' expecting her to go that fast. Yeah screwed lah.
When I came out I realised everyone's hearing wasnt that good either. Haha. But still. x(
Anyway, went out for lunch with lanya and ys!! Haha. Ate some weird korean cold noodles. >< Shan't elaborate about it. But anyway, we bought lots of food. Cream puffs, Ice cream, Meatball / Pork Asparagus etc etc. Haha. I think this is the first time i spent so much at a food court. LOL. But it was nice la, not considering the noodles. Oops.
I have to hand it to lanya, who could actually tolerate the weird taste of the noodles. Haha.
Nx day was supposed to go for lyfe. But my stomach got upsetted, so in the end had to sleep beside the toilet. =X
Today lesson! Haha. I was about to ring the doorbell when qls appeared at the lift. She went out for lunch! Haha. Still have to strengthen my 单手轮音。grr I really cannot stand my left arm. I wan nina's left arm!! Haha. Oops. And she offered me a banana. HAHA.
I am in deep shit. 3 Pts, one math test. Ok maybe i'm not as bad as some people, but still I am in deep shit. Haha. Whatever.
Cute drawing by jiahui:

DON'T I JUST LOOK LIKE A HAPPY HOUSE CHIOBU?? Aww hwee I din noe you think I was so chio. HAHA JOKING
I just finished watching Bad Family. Heechul was darn funny! HAHAHA. Whenever I see him I wanna laugh. XD I decided I quite like Nam Sang Mi! I think she's quite chio, with some degree of charisma. Was quite touched by this show. And all the lame actions and stuff just cracks me up. Haha. Even though the plot quite drama, I think it's CUTE!
Sch reopens tmr. OH HOWHOWHOW!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
netball carn cheer prac
Yesterday - Netball cheer prac XD
Overslept again. Grr, i dun usually oversleep. Haha.. Anyway, so we all met in class to think of cheers. Alot of times we din have much inspiration. Ahhs. Haha. I think jianing's "cheer" was very cute. Something about wad roti prata and what smash thinggos. haha.
We all joined the netball players in the game. It was super funny! Very entertaining to see them play. Especially the scholars. They were quite clueless (can't blame them lah XD), and they kept screaming and running around with the ball. hahaha.So it was like a group of people running after the ball. Very funny. We were laughing like mad. Nice to take pics and vids too!
Then we went back to class and started watching vids! Watched sad tango, U and twins. HAHA. We were all going crazy over U! Haha. And ys and i wanted to take pics with the U pose, but in the end we went too crazy to take anyway. Poor hai ly, waiting for us to pose for the cam. haha. Mich's cam is NICE! XD But she is still evil. haha jokinggg!
Went out for lunch aft that. Disaster man. First I had bloody ketchup stains on my shirt. Then my bag dropped on the floor and my beanie waterbottle leaked 3/4 of its contetns out. Causing all my scores and diskettes to be WET WET WET. Sheesh. So had to dry all the contents and all that. Was VERY GROSSSS. Like ewww. I'm so sad laaa. My hero diskette not working anymore. And I need to prac that the most. Sighhh! But anyway thanks to yiusum and mich and jing! They all helped me dry my scores and wipe my diskettes! So nice! And jing even lent me her ss book! ahhh. thanks lots! XDD
Ooh we got hongye to read out palms too!! =D
First it was the lovers thing. I'm said to have a true love which I will marry!!! But I will have another lover though. Haha. And my husband should be quite shuai. Seeing that the line on my hand is a decent smiley face. Heh. My life span is normal, longer than mich but shorter than ys. Haha. Hmm my life from childhood to teenage is quite rocky and unexpected, but the mid years are fine, den up till old age it turns quite rocky again. Oooh and i have a large chance of being RICH! Cuz the part below the thumb is chubby and fat! haha. Hongye says my palm isnt messy! It's quite clean and nice. But my life is quite complex. (thinks SM HAHA) I have SMILEY EYES TOO! -blink blink- haha, but I have very "frown-y" lips tho. And they all say I look motherly! LOL!
ys, mich and i went shopping for ys's cosplay stuff. Didn't find anything suitable sadly. But anyway, we were exploring lots of stuff. haha hairbands, rings and bangles.
Ohh and I got a teal hairband frm ys. Haha. So sad I so do not suit hairbands. My hair is flat like a roti prata. x( Oh no, I feel guilty nt buying ur bdae pressie. x(
Went off for organ later. There was a blackout in the middle. Then like everything went pitch black. Really couldn't see anything. AT ALL. Quite freaky. Myt sis said she almost screamed out loud. Luckily I am smart enough to use my hp as a torch. Haha.
Ooh speaking of blackouts, I've finally watched suju mini drama 1!! Hahaha. Uh it was okay? Haha. I thought the prince's team was more scary. There was really the mystery element in it. Haha. The other team (can't rmb the name) was more of gross I think. Haha. But oso mysterious. XD Shall cont watching ep 2 now. =D
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Teacher's Day!
Teacher's Day celebration today! Hmm it was raining heavily again. So we had aces in class! It was lame. Uh the X drive couldn't load I think, so AME lead!!! HAHA. Then some parts no one could remember anynthing, so we were just side stepping alot of times. AH and mrs haugen was super funny! She was like no need follow routine, just exercise! Oh and the way she follow ame was funny too. Yepp.
And I was the odd one out. Cuz we were standing in rows. Then I realised my whole row was purple hadley (jing, weiting and sum), den I'm the only bright red one - as pointed out by sum. Heh.
Concert. Ringers were CUTEE. It was rather cool. Haha it made me remember when I was in handbells when I was in P2. Shara was super funny! She was one of them who did all the funny weird actions with the sound effects.
Oh yes PINKY AND THE BRAIN! Thinks qw singing along... haha.
I love the GB's "skit". Too funny already! I think the SS teacher made me laugh the most. It was her laugh that was the most comical. Everything was really funny!! All the hidden messages and hinting. Even though they claim that all resemblances to real life figures are purely coincidental. Like HAHA!
The music was okay this year. The rock band thing I mean. I think I was more impressed last year, so I was expecting more this year? I dunno. Ahh but i love bass guitar! Haha. And drums of cus! At one point I felt like I was amongst a crowd of crazy fans attending ____'s concert. x___x
Overall concert was quite nice I think XD
After school met with crys and we went out. Aww hwee din come along cuz she went back pri school. Don't worry we all missed you. not. Haha joking.
Went to bugis! Coffee bean first. Talked and talked. Then rushed off for movie, cuz we din notice the time. x__x
We had a hard time finding seats mann. And I really cannot stand rudeness. At least phrase it in a nice way, so people will be compelled to change FOR YOU. Shooting off at them just destroyed a nice atmostphere. -pissed- MONSTER HOUSE was nt bad I guess? Haha, not scary at all. But nevertheless CUTE =D
And yess I got a new wallet!! Nice crys shared half the price as my bdae present. I already threw my torn and tattered old wallet away already! Ahh but I wanted to use this coupon that yile gave me, but in the end it's already discounted so I cannot use it. Dang. But nvm I quite like it. Din really have much designs to choose from. Ok there were, but I cant afford it then =X
We just shopped around after that. And took neoprints. At least I got persuaded to do so. Since crys had no money left. So I paid x( Lotsa people owe me money huh -hint hint- haha. Joking. And the one particular neo turned out GROSS. Like ew.. And I realised I nv take neos for a loong looong time already..
Hmm should I move to lj? Haha, I'm stil like posting at both sides. T__T Counting down: one week to electone exam. Eeks.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Ahh I want a voodoo mini now! But I want it in hp keychain form. Heh.
CLE slack block! MASS CRAZY PHOTO TAKING! ROCKS MAN! Haha, I think we went super crazy. First, me and ys were really really really bored. So I asked her to decorate my notebook. Hoho, den she started decorating a bigbig PINK HEECHUL. Den mich came over and we decided to haf photo taking session! So she drew another bright purple/red KIBUM (MY KIBUM XD)! Then we did lotsa poses. Like this SARANGHAEYO heart thinggy. Den ys decided to kiss the words. So she got a nice photo of her pouting at heechul's name. x__x Haha. super crazy la. We re took alot of times, cuz the words got cut and we look spazz. And I got a ghostly photo of me hugging kibum's name. Like blehh! -was trying to cover ys's copyright- =X We were all laughing hysterically.
Ahh and mich was secretly videoing out crazy acts. EVIL! Haha. There was one where ys was scolding me for trying to take away her copyright or something, den I was blurly grinning at the cam. Oh man.. T__T
Yay den me and jing took a <3 UKNOW photo! Haha. Ahh, den when we were about to do the super junior's U photo thing with pelvic movement and all that, jas's cam no batt x( But anyway yay nice jas for letting us take those whacky photos! XD
Shara decided to air out chi pt movies! Yup so we spent quite some time watching it. I think watching it full screen is the best man! And blasting speakers. Ahhh. HAHA. Then we used qian's cam to take other photos!
Yup, den went to get teacher's day present with sum and jing after school. It was raining cats and dogs. Ok cliche, but really. Then in the end yiusum's big black umbrella was stolen by yumin and company, so I had to share with her in the end, and I got wet. Hurrr. HAHA. Joking. In the end, jing was the driest! Stopped at tangs first, to get mr lim a big patrick toy and mr lau a big spongebob toy. We went to the top floor, which is the children's toy department. Circled around and around, saw winnie the pooh, superman, barbie, BUT NO SPONGEBOB! But in the end we still found it with help of assistant. It costs quite a bomb (considering how much money we had at hand), so we only bought for mr lim.
Ohh and the black umbrella looks like some cool sword or weapon. HAHA. Den jing went home. So me and ys made our way to heeren to get the remaining presents. Went to mini toons and searched for a loong loong time.
Decided on a pink bubble voodoo for laoshi! And a blue stitch for mr lau. But I think the tazmanian devil looks like him more cuz of the hair, but nvm, both oso look like him x__x Den there was this super NICE rose for ms tan. IT'S NICE!! And I got pink strawberry hp holder for qls! Hope she likes it. Couldnt find anything melody. x(
Yay aft that we ate at jacks! Haha food wasnt very nice, propotion was too little accd to ys, who kept wanting to take my ice cream away! HUMPH. Haha. Oh and she thinks im deprived cuz I never sucked sugar from the sugar packet before. As in RAW SUGAR. The little crystals of sugar. o.0 Haha, den I got persuaded to do the same. Amazing how she can finsih the whole packet. I will jus keep on worrying if I will get diabetes the next day. -_-
Oh and hunger-struck her was oso eating at an incredibly FAST speed. I think she was twice the speed of mine. Plus she finish le still not enough, while I was there struggling to put the last few strands of noodles down my mouth. Haha. Ohh and I learnt a way to eat noodles super fast. Like take this BIG BUNCH and SLURP it up, until ur mouth has no space, den let the excess DROP DOWN, den pick it up and SLURP it up again and so on. HAHA. But I jus ended up having excess oil around my mouth. lol!
Oh yeah I was threatened to lick up all the oil of the spagetti before I can have my ice cream. Diaozzz! Haha. That's how ys has the "right" to take my ice cream away. Blehh. Oh and I was trying to experiment in making a float with the ice cream! But ys wouldn't cooperate! Haha, but in the end I managed to drip some coke into some ice cream and she thinks it tastes like COFFEE. o.0
Uhh. Let me recall all the jokes we cracked. Haha. SUPER JUNIOR FULL HOUSE! HOHO I was trying to be the "commentator", so I practised saying SHYU POH JU NIOR PULL! HOUSE! HAHA, but ys said i got nt enough oomph. Still practising alrights!
Oh yeaa and I'm like recruited in ys's SUM ENTERTAINMENT as the first artiste of her company! HOW COOL! But all the artiste have to learn is SHAKE THE BUMBUM. haha.
Anyway, we were thinking of making a 305 FULL HOUSE! Then I can be the commentator! Haha, we can do all the scenes like the barbeque (ys wanna be heechul commentator), Full House U making and so on. Then do stuff like POODLE or go to the ENGLISH VILLAGE. HAHA. Can't remember le. Haha, it was so funny la. Yay.
Ohh and yea ys is gonna join the world's shivering contest. -Applaud- HAHA. -__- after eating, or rather gobbling down (her one scoop is double of mine o.0!), the ice cream, she got cold and started shivering non stop with chattering teeth. haha. So den to get "hotter", she sprinkled pepper in her mouth too. Haha.
Ok I dunno if I rmembered all the details, but anyway, tts all. What a FUNNY DAY! Haha.
I desperately need a layout for lj. And for coding-dumb ppl like me, I wonder when I will ever get one. Haha.
Oooh and I realised I din watch Rainbow Romance GOONG PARODY! HAHA SO FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY! I think today I laughed alot. =X SHIN KIBUM!! YUL HEECHUL! I love the part where they snatching fans. All their actions so cute! Oh and the way they try to reanct the scenes of GOONG was SUPER FUNNY LA. HAHA. I WISH I WAS REALLY CHAEKYUNG IN THIS PLACE. *_*
Monday, August 21, 2006
Happy birthday KIBUM!
Happy birthday KIBUMMIE!!!! 사랑해요! Yep, my kibum turns 19 today! Whooo..
Haha. Hmm, today stayed back to do chinese pt. I think our cartoon is gonna turn out quite cute!! Haha, yiusum has her weird joo ji-hoon version. While I have the DBSK TV!! HAHA. Ah the whole thing quite lame. And I think colouring GAY COLOURS is FUN! LOL. Hope we can score more for creativy!
K I shall be very busy this week..